Psalms 139:14

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are Thy works.....

Did He Really?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ya know.... when you think things couldn't get any stupider, twiddle dee and twiddle dummer decide to have a party. Yeah, this is a true venting entry. I am sooooo furious right now, I can barely type.

Do you recall how in the last entry I stated that JD won't make a move until he gets some direction?? Well, its happening again... Why are you trying to find out information about your wife through her siblings? or her best friend??? How dare you question your wife's relationship with Christ because she isn't following your every move that is dictated by a conversation you have with one of the many people he has put into "our" business....

Last night proves time and time again, that this cat wasn't ready for what he let people talk him into. And that he is easily pursuaded. I have even asked quite a few times was I one of the many who was pressuring him.. Of course his answer was no. But, still... When are you going to pry(sp?) yourself away from what is holding you back from the man that you need to be for yourself and then for others in your life??? There were plenty of opportunities to say... hey you know what? I am just not ready right now.. Instead you have been letting people talk their way into your life. Oh My Word... I wish there were words that I could say right now, but I can't. I just know that I am not in high school anymore and I am not into playing the guessing game with how you feel.

And another thing.... How dare he question if I am seeing anyone? Honey bunch, once we went our seperate ways, its none of your business what I do... And quit being so insecure about yourself? Haven't you at least learned how to do that? OOps... My bad again, you want someone to hold your hand and walk you through this thing called life. Find another lollipop to do that with. It won't be me. And you need the Lord for that. Mister, "I have grown and I am trying"... ***rolling her eyes***
If you didn't take an interest in me before we seperated, why in the "blue blazes of heaven" are you taking a sudden interest now? And to all who read my blog entries, the answer to your question is: No, I am not dating anyone. I am trying to get myself together and date Jesus before I get back out there like that. I also have Ms. Pooh to think about :)

I am sure I have more to say, but I feel a little bit better... More to come (of course).