Psalms 139:14

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are Thy works.....

One Minute Prayers...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ya know..

Sometimes I rack my brain trying to figure out a schedule for prayer time. Which of course, hasn't occurred yet. But I have started to do was.. knowing I have a FULL schedule, is take One Minute to pray. I love it when I get a lil bit of time in with the Lord and watch the rest of my day manifest in FULL !!!! Isnt that amazing.. You give just a little bit and the Lord gives a BOUNTY of blessing !!!

Embracing the Unknown... Wow... That is a mouthful in itself... This is something I have been battling with. I like my comfort zone. But I am coming to grips that this is not where the Lord wants me.. *** Grabbing water bottle**

Scripture prayer is based on: Psalm 25:4-5.. Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Prayer: Father God, You see all that takes place in my life. Knowing this gives me peace as I face transition. I exchange my uncertainty (oh boy) for Your promise of security. Open my eyes to the wonders of every turn, tangent, and seeming detour I come across. I don't want to miss a miracle by starting a new journey deteriorated by regret, pride. Father, I want to long for You. For the path You have carved out just for Jenn. Remove the rose colored glasses, the blinders from my physical and spiritual eyes so that I may see the beauty You created that surrounds me. I am eager to see what You have in store for me.. I love you Lord.. Amen


Larissa said...

embracing the unknown...I'm so there!!! I battle with that a lot! I actually had just written that down as one of my struggles.